
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Squad Lines

I began using squad lines this year to quickly organize my class into teams, groups, and individual practice. I used white construction papers and premade stick em letters (A, B, C, D, and E) to make signs to post on the gym walls. Then I layed down blue floor tape in an X shape on the gym floor. The X's line up with the letter on the wall. I also added numbers on the adjacent wall above the lunch tables. If you're like me you share your space for lunch time! I used multicolors for the number posters so I could organize by colors also. Each blue X corresponds with a letter and number. I review this with my class when we use them. For example, I say, "Raise your hand if you are in squad A." or "Balance on one foot is you are in the green row." or "Jump up and down if you are in row number six." My kiddos have learned to look forward and side to find where they match up. This also helps with graph reading skills.

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